|  EXCERPTS FROM LE MODULOR.

Building should be the concern of heavy industry, and the component parts of houses should be mass-produced.

A mass-production mentality must be created:
a frame of mind for building mass-produced houses,
a frame of mind for living in mass-produced houses,
a frame of mind for imagining mass-produced houses.’

“Maisons en serie” L’Esprit Nouveau, 1921

In Le Corbusier's buildings and craftsmanship a repetitive outline shows up: the Modulor Man. It's a stylised human figure, standing gladly and square-shouldered, now and then with one arm raised the mascot of Le Corbusier's framework for re-ordering the universe. The Modulor was implied as a all inclusive framework of extents. The aspiration was endless: it was formulated to accommodate maths, the human frame, engineering and excellence into a single system.

This framework might at that point be utilized to supply the estimations for all angles of plan from  entryway handles to cities, and Corbusier believed that it can be further applied to industry and mechanics. The basic "module" of the Modulor could be a six-foot man, supposedly based on the normal stature of the analysts within the English wrongdoing books Corbusier enjoyed.

This Modulor Man is fragmented agreeing the "brilliant segment", a proportion of around 1.61; so the proportion of the whole tallness of the figure to the stature to the figure's navel is 1.61. These extents can be scaled up or down to boundlessness employing a Fibonacci progression. In concocting this framework, Corbusier was joining a 2000-year-old search for the scientific engineering of the universe, a look that had fixated Pythagoras, Vitruvius and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Various measures are now in use :

The inch and foot by the British (it kept their design related to human extents in show disdain toward of the machine age). The meter, determined from the meridian of the globe, is an counterfeit and subjective degree that has nothing to do with human extents and which, as a result, has driven to a certain crumbling within the design of those nations which utilized it.

In view of the immense task of manufacture and prefabrication to be completed, a unified scale of measurement based on the human body had to be created, a highly significant mathematical expression capable of giving innumerable combinations that are really satisfactory and above all harmonious.

After the vanquish, a committee to ponder the implies of construction (AFNOR) was shaped in France. Le Corbusier was not welcomed to connect the committee. After a long time of work this committee arrived at the result of a straightforward arithmetical standardization (in movements from 2 to 2 or from 10 to 10 cm). Such a choice can as it were be self-assertive and a restriction; in truth we don't discover any such unstable law in nature.

Very on the opposite, nature offers us numerical extents of an inexhaustible abundance in afflict her marvels. For a year presently Le Corbusier has been making all his structural drawings with the “Modulor” he made. The engineers and designers of his workplaces utilize it each day to extraordinary advantage.

Professor Einstein (in Princeton, New York) expressed the following opinion with regard to Le Corbusier's in­vention : “It is a language of proportions which makes it difficult to do things badly, but easy to do them well”. This is a patented invention. 


|   by Kimberly Tiong, 1001852663   |
