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In the manifesto that was written by Adolf loos, Ornament and crime, he discusses on the ornaments of architecture and how it was considered to be a crime because of the time wasted to create all the ornaments as well as the money and resources that is wasted from the making of these architectural ornaments. If we were to stop ornamenting objects in our daily lives, we will lose our identity or even our culture. This particular concern is where the refusal of abandoning ornamentation arises. Loos also explains in his manifesto that "Every age had its style, is our age alone to be refused of a style?" Which to me is very true! When looking back at all the history of architecture, every era had its own identifiable design elements. For example, let's take the Gothic era, it's identity of design element is that it had pointed arches, rose windows, stained glass, and heavily ornamented interiors. Therefore, why can't we have our own design elements without having to imitate previous styles.

 Loos also argued in his context that "since ornament is no longer organically linked to our culture, it is also no longer the expression of our culture", so if we use ornaments that was inspired form the previous ages, we are literally expressing those ages and forgetting ourselves, therefore when the future generations look back at us, they won't be able to know about our lifestyle, our priorities, or even our preferences.

Loos also described spending more money on an object just because it's ornamented while having the choice to buy a cheaper, none ornamented one as "lighting a cigarette with a banknote" and throwing money down the drain just like that. At one point of the manifesto. Loos talks about the economy, and how ornamentation negatively affects the consumer but positively affects the manufacturers of the ornamented object. This happens because generally ornamented object expire visually quicker than non-ornamented ones, which leads the consumer into buying furniture every 10 years rather than whenever the old furniture is worn out.

Lastly, ornamentation may have a negative effect on time, money as well as resources, but loss states  at the end of his manifesto "Freedom of ornament is a sign of spiritual health", and that the modern man knows exactly how and where to use ornamentation thoughtfully.

