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Charles-Edouard jeanneret-Gris, also known as Le Corbusier has been developing his theories on modern architecture throughout the previous decade. Le Corbusier lavished and praised on the totems of modernity-race cars,airplanes as well as factories-marveling at the beauty of their efficiency. He also sought to isolate what he called type forms, which were universal elements of design that can work together in a system. The many images embedded and eloquently expressed his search for modern perfection through universal forms. 

During the 1920s, Le Corbusier designed a series of houses which allowed him to develop his ideas further and by the year 1926, he had developed his five points of Architecture. This five points of architecture is viewed as a universal system that could be applied to any architectural site. This system is demanded pilotis (slender columns) to raise the building of the ground and allow air to circulate beneath; roof terraces, to bring nature into an urban setting; a free plan that allowed interior space to be distributed at will; a free facade whose smooth plane could be used for formal experimentation; ribbon windows, which let in light but also reinforced the planarity of the wall.

Image result for five points of architecture
Diagram above shows the five points of Architecture

One of the buildings that was designed by Le Corbusier that incorporated these principles was the Villa Savoye. Made of reinforced concrete, the ground floor walls are recessed and painted green so that the house looks like a box floating on delicate pilotis. The Villa Savoye can be understood as Le Corbusier's refinement of his architectural system, his own personal parthenon. Its essential geometric volumes embody his concept of the type form, and its careful consideration of procession and proportion connect the building to classical ideals. At the smae time, its clean simplicity and its use of concrete evoke the precisely-calibrated works on engineering so admired by the architect. This Villa expresses Le Corbusier's re-conception o the very nature of architecture, his attempt to express a timeless classicism through the language of architectural modernism.

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Diagram above shows the Villa Savoye design by Le Corbusier using the system
of Five Points of Architecture

