Page 200 of The Origins and Context of Adolf Loos's “Ornament and Crime”
Adolf Loos – Ornament and Crime

Loos utilized the exposition as a vehicle to clarify his distain of "decoration" for "smooth and past surfaces," halfway in light of the fact that the previous to him made articles and structures become unfashionable sooner, and thusly out of date. The exertion squandered in structuring and making pointless decoration, he saw as absolutely a "wrongdoing." The thoughts epitomized in this article were harbingers to the Advanced development, including rehearses that would inevitably be at center of the Bauhaus in Wiemar. In Loos' exposition, "enthusiasm for smooth and valuable surfaces" he clarifies his way of thinking, depicting how ornamentation can have the impact of making articles leave style and along these lines become old. It struck him that it was a wrongdoing to squander the exertion expected to include ornamentation, when the ornamentation would make the article before long leave style.

Reyner Banham – Ornament and Crime

Reyner Banham is disparaging of Loos' work and announces that it was composed with a " combative good tone" with the openings sections in a " middle class impacting your fragile emotions mentality. " Further on in his paper, he proceeds to censure trimming and wrongdoing, crediting its prosperity to its opportune and explicit production.

Joseph Rykwert – Ornament is not Crime

In his exposition, Rykwert likewise shows worry towards the connection among man and engineering as a primary connection passing on considerations and feelings through a draftsmen structure. He contends that engineering as a rule is removed from man, and that the originator only occasionally provides food for this association, which is significant for the elucidation of ones surroundings as a basic key towards self-confirmation and network feeling. He focuses not just on the significance of the acknowledgment of man by the structure and the other way around, however gives specific consideration regarding the purposes of contact, that is, the quick environment and envelope of a structure, by which the two substances will in general associate. Rykwert makes the inference that the planner ought to successfully figure out how to function as a team with the painter and stone carver, so as to deliver one entire show-stopper where embellishment reflects the optimistic condition of the spirit of the space. "Ornamentation shouldn't be considered in separation as a unimportant stylish indication, yet rather as a combined development of socially characterized significance".
